Friday 27 November 2015

Short textual analysis on a thriller opening (The Marksman)

This is one of the better AS media thriller openers I have found in my research. I specifically like the cyclical nature where it starts at the end, loops back around then continues once it has caught up. I think this technique is really useful and I would like to adopt this technique for my own thriller opening. I also like the use of a ticking down clock before the start of the flashback, this is to make the viewer have a real sense of the time between the clips.

Thursday 26 November 2015

Editing attempt 1.

This is mine and Lindens first attempt at a thriller title opening for our final task

Monday 9 November 2015

The Pick Up - A Raw Media Production


1.What have you learned during the making of your preliminary task?

During the making of my preliminary task i have learned a plethora of skills I think will be useful in the future, not only in this subject but when I finish the course and move onto different things. For example i have learned how to use a camera to make films and clips. Prior to this course i had never used a camera for this purpose so the making of this film was all new to me so even the smallest of things like learning how to focus a camera was a new skill acquired for me. Also i learned a few things about editing, even though i didn't do much of the editing i think the bits i did were effective and correctly executed.

2.Areas of success

I think our main area of success was the time it took for us to complete our filming. With the knowledge of how long the editing and organisation of the clips would take we prioritized finishing filming ASAP. We all stopped behind school one day and finished our filming in little over an hour. This then gave us around 3 weeks to finalize the editing of the piece and put it all together. This made the task a lot less stressful as we were under much more flexible deadlines.

3. Areas for development.

The area in which i think our group would be leadership. In our group we all had ideas that we thought were good and it was hard to decide between us whose idea were the best or right ones. I think that with the right hierarchy this would of been so much simpler.

4. How well did you meet the brief?

Friday 18 September 2015

Preliminary task

Our preliminary task for our AS Media is to too film a person walking down a corridor, into a room and exchange a few lines of dialog with someone else.

Our idea is based around a drug deal, however we plan on doing it with an element of comedy.
I will be doing all the filming in our group. Lewis Martin will be our main actor and will be playing the role of our buyer. Zak Northedge will be our other actor and will be running the role of our dealer.

The editing will then be shared between Lewis and Linden, however it will mostly be done by Linden as he has experience in this industry. However he is planning on teaching us all whilst he is doing it so we know for our actually task. This is as we feel that acting is not as important on our media course as the filming and editing so we all want to be able to do a relevant activity.

During the filming I will have to demonstrate an understanding of: Shot reverse shot, match on action and 180-Degree rule. Shot reverse shot is showing a conversation with editing so that the viewer can see the reaction of both people. Match on action is showing a persons movement using cuts from different angles to show a continuous movement. The 180-degree rule is a fundamental rule in filming. The camera cannot pass an invisible axis on 180'. Otherwise perspectives change and continuity errors are likely to appear.

Sunday 13 September 2015

Hello and Welcome to my blog,

This is my blog for my AS level in Media. I choose to take media at AS level as i have a large interest in film and the film making process. I have no experience in Media or the film making business but it is full of skills i wish to learn about and hopefully possess by the end of this course. Editing is one of the main talent i am eager to learn during my time on this course. I have always had a strong interest in  editing as it is a talent that i do not understand and have a strong respect for those that do it at the top top level of the field.