Tuesday 22 March 2016


Tvetan Todorov’s narrative theory


He stated narratives are led by events in a cause and effect format.

·         The narrative starts with an equilibrium

·         An action/Character disrupts the equilibrium

·         A quest to restore the equilibrium ensues

·         The narrative moves to a confrontation or climax

·         Resolution/Equilibrium is restored


This is a simple structure, and some texts defy the idea of a resolution or return to equilibrium, as they seek to challenge audiences by offering open-ended narratives that require the audience to interpret what they understand by the ending.

Other resolutions are far from a ‘return to equilibrium’ – the audience comes to realise that the only resolution will be a tragic one and there will be no return to equilibrium for the main characters.

Our Thriller would adhere to Todorovs narrative theory as we start with an equilibrium, which is then resolved through the use of flashbacks until the film returns to the disequilibrium.

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